Additional information - FAQs
Why should you support this project?
Having a playground in Frenchman's Creek increases home values and provides a safe, ADA accessible playground for all of our children, which is needed now more than ever.
Why does it cost so much to install the playground?
The installation cost is a combination of several factors –
First and foremost construction continues to be competitive and expensive.
It’s hard to find qualified contractors willing to come to HMB, especially for specialized work.
This design is very specialized construction (the rubberized surfaces, etc) and is not something that any general contractor could do.
Any City project legally has to be completed using workers paid prevailing union wages, which always increases the cost compared to a private installation.
Why can't people volunteer to assist?
Specialized construction work coupled with prevailing wage requirements make this a challenge.
These rules are stricter now that when other parks (like Ocean View in Alsace Lorraine, etc.) were built in the past.
Where did the funding that was allocated to this project originally go?
In February of 2020, the City signed a contact with Miracle Playsystems for the equipment and installation of the new Frenchman's Creek Playground costing approximately $83K.
The City purchased the new equipment at that time spending approximately $40K for the equipment.
In March of 2020 all City capital projects were put on hold due to COVID-19 challenges. Budgets were cut to keep the City running (positions were cut and staff were furloughed).
As lots of revenue was lost, it will take some time for the City's budget to recover from all of these challenges.
This is when Friends of Half Moon Bay Parks and Recreation decided to step in to help fundraise for the Playground.
The City will attempt to include funding for this project in the FY 2021-22 Capital Budget, which could allow installation after July 1, 2021.
Any funds raised could expedite the project to get it completed this year and allow the City to use funding towards other projects.
What is the timeline for Phase 2 and 3 of this project?
Timelines for Phase 2 & 3 are TBD. More details coming soon.